
“题目:____ face-to-face interviews, questionnaires are cheaper for collecting data from a large number of respondents.
: Compared to
; Comparing
; Compare”
“题目:— ?
—Twice a week.
: How often do you use our company’s product
; When did you buy our products
; What did you buy in our company”
“题目:— Our company is doing a customer service questionnaire .May I take you a moment?
— .
: It doesn’t matter
; By all means
; I have no idea”
“题目:— Thank you very much for answering our questions. It really helps our market research a lot.
— ________________
: I am sorry to hear that.
; It’s my pleasure.
; I don’t think so.”
“题目:— What’s your view on our questionnaire_?_
— ________________
: I’d like to go there.
; With my pleasure.
; First of all .We’d better change our question order.”
“题目:— Would you mind filling the questionnaire for me?
— ________________
: No problem. Just give me your questionnaire.
; Sorry,I can’t go there.
; I really appreciate that.”
“题目:Customers ______ refuse to filling the questionnaire are not permitted to buy the product.
: what
; which
; Who”
“题目:I’d like to_______ that the staff member who served me didn’t really seem to know what he was doing.
: point out
; point at
; point in”
“题目:Our company will _____the customers’ suggestions.
: respond
; responding to
; respond to”
“题目:Questionnaires are easy to ____.
: analyzed
; analyze
; be analyzed”
“题目:Questionnaires are not suitable_____some people.
: in
; for
; with”
“题目:The Jiahe Community Service Center is about to ______ service for residents.
: provided
; provide
; providing”
“题目:The quality of questionnaire will_____how much information we know from our customers.
: effect
; affect
; affections”
“题目:Where are you used to____ vegetables?
: buy
; bought
; buying”
“题目:You need to _____ those questionnaire papers for your company.
: hand out
; hand in
; hand on”
1. In a word, taking the time to develop a well-designed and participant-friendly questionnaire will give you useful data that can help you make the right decisions.{A; B; C}
2.A new food market will be built in our community next month.{A; B; C}
3. I think what should be done is to create more job opportunities for students.{A; B; C}
4.In contrast to other countries, the U. S has no national college entrance exam.{A; B; C}
5.On the last day of the old year, there is a family dinner.{A; B; C}
A. 在老年人的最后日子,通常有一顿家庭餐。
B. 在即将过去的一年的最后一天,会有一次家庭聚餐。
C. 在过去的日子里,经常有家庭聚餐。”
Questionnaires can be a simple way to get to know your audience’s opinions. Though it is easy to write a questionnaire, you need a lot of skill and experience to write a good one. Luckily, good design skills can be learned in a short time.
Keep your questionnaire short and simple. A short and simple questionnaire is more likely to be completed and returned. It is also important to make your questionnaire as attractive as possible. You should keep the following design elements in mind:
TEXT: Choose a font style that is easy to read, and make sure the font size is large enough for your respondents to read.
PARAGRAPHS: Long paragraphs can be daunting for readers, so try to keep your blocks of text to a handful of lines.
WHITE SPACE: Ensure that there is space between questions and sections and don’t make margins too small.
Be brief and direct with your questions. Do not use any unnecessary words and phrases. Brief questions that use simple language are easy to read and understand, so the participants won’t find it difficult to fill in the questionnaire.
You should start your questionnaire with general questions and then move to specific ones. Try to avoid jumping back and forth between general and specific questions.
Open-ended questions mean respondents can answer freely using their own words. They can provide more detailed information, but they take more time and effort to answer and can be more difficult to analyze. You should not use too many open-ended questions in one questionnaire.
In a word, taking the time to develop a well-designed and participant-friendly questionnaire will give you useful data that can help you make the right decisions.
1. The questionnaire contains following elements except?{A; B; C}
A. Test.
B. Paragraph.
C. Address
2. In order to keep your questionnaire visually attractive, you should {A; B; C}
A. Choose different font styles in a questionnaire.
B. Write long paragraphs instead of short ones.
C. Leave enough space between questions and sections.
3. You should start your questionnaire with _______ questions and then move to _______ ones.{A; B; C}
A. general, specific
B. specific, general
C. short, long
4. What could be the best title for this passage?{A; B; C}
A. Designing an Effective Questionnaire.
B. Questionnaire is the best way to collect data from many people.
C. Questionnaire benefits our life.
5. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?{A; B; C}
A. Questionnaire design skills can be learned in a short time.
B. Open-ended questions cannot provide more detailed information, so you’d better not use too many open-ended questions in one questionnaire.
C. It’s worth taking the time to develop a well-designed and participant-friendly questionnaire.”
The qualities of a good questionnaire
It should be noted that one does not start by {A. writing; B. write; C. wrote} questions. Firstly.we have to decide ‘what are the things one needs to know from the respondent in order to meet the survey’s objectives?’ {A. Secondly; B. Second; C. Next},we should decide the target respondents.At the outset, the researcher must define the population about which he/she wishes to generalise from the sample data to be collected.Thirdly,we have to decide the question contents.opening questions should be general and easy to answer so that the respondents have the patience to finish next.and then we can offer some specific questions {A. In order that; B. In order; C. In order to} get more data from the respondents. {A. In the word; B. In a word; C. In word}.we couldn’t ignore the physical appearance of our questionnaires.If our questionnaires look like a mess.People would not be willing to {A. help; B. helping; C. Helpful} us answer our questions….”
Every coin has two sides and questionnaires are no different. With questionnaires, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Compared to face-to-face interviews, questionnaires are cheaper for
collecting data from a large number of respondents. Also, questionnaires are easy to analyze, and computer software can easily complete data entry and make tables for nearly all surveys. Questionnaires are familiar to most people as nearly everyone has had some experience completing one. Questionnaires reduce bias when there are no clues to affect the respondents.
One main disadvantage of questionnaires is the possibility of low response rates which reduces our confidence in the results. Another disadvantage is they provide little flexibility for the respondents. What’s more, many times the respondent is not the same person you sent the
questionnaire to. Finally, questionnaires are not suitable for some people. For example, a survey to a group of poorly educated people might not work because of reading problems.
1. The advantages of questionnaire are more than disadvantages.{T; F}
2. Questionnaire is the cheapest way for collecting data from respondents.{T; F}
3. Questionnaires have the advantage of being analyzed easily through the computer software.{T; F}
4. Questionnaire is suitable for everyone.{T; F}
5. The respondent is usually the same person you sent the questionnaire to.{T; F}”
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