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The Family of the Future
Many people today would like the traditional two-parent family back—that is to say, they want a man and a woman to marry for life; they also think the man should sport the family and the woman should stay home with the children. However, few families now fall into this 6 1 . In fact, if more women decide to have children on their own, the single-parent household may become more 7 2 than the traditional family in many countries. Also, unmarried couples may decided to have more children—or they might take in foster children or adopt. And because people are staying single and 8 3 longer (often as widows), there may be more one-person households in the future. On the other hand, some people 9 4 similar events happen again and again in history. If this is true, people may go back to the traditional 10 5 or nuclear family of the past. Others think the only certainty in history is changing: in other words, the structure of the future family could begin to change faster and faster—and in more and more ways.